Patient Advisory Group (PAG)

The Patient Advisory Group or PAG is a group of patients who help who support the KPIN Working Group with patient-relevant advice and guidance on the involvement of patients and carers within the NHS relating to Service Development and Research.


The main aims of our group are…

  • Guide and influence the development and delivery of KPIN and its activities.
  • Assist with measuring how effective the network is and the impact we are making.
  • Alert core team to potential problems or concerns.
  • Help improve the design and function of the network.
  • Help to promote KPIN and its aims to the wider kidney community.


The group meets (currently via Zoom) on the last Monday of every second month until it is agreed that the regularity of meeting move to a longer interval. Each meeting will be led by a Patient Involvement Facilitator, either Andy Henwood or Holly Loughton.

Becoming a member

Some patient/carer involvement experience is advantageous but not essential. Should you wish to find out more and/or wish to apply join the KPIN PAG then please drop us a note at

Please note: You have to be a patient/carer member of KPIN to join the PAG see

Terms of Reference

Our PAG Terms of Reference have been drawn up and signed off by team members.


Members of the group are volunteers

Benefits to members

As well as contributing to discussion of various aspects of the network, members will be offered opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in areas related to patient involvement.


Minutes from previous minutes can be found here [link TBC]

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